A few birthdays ago, I really wanted a chunky silver bracelet. My Grandma W asks us to be very specific about what we want for holidays. So I cut out a few pictures of bracelets that I liked and sent them to her as "hints". It wasn't too long after that and I had my own beautiful chunky silver bracelet. The first few months I wore it everyday, I cherished it and admired its beauty...so proud that it was mine. As time passed; however, I noticed that I stopped wearing it. At this point, I couldn't even tell you were it is.
Something that once meant so much has now lost its place.
As Christians, we sometimes treat our salvation the same way I treated my bracelet. At first, we cherish our salvation, taking it everywhere we go and even showing it off a bit. We thank God for the privilege of knowing Him and we praise Him for who He is. Then as time passes, we take our Christianity for granted and we get comfortable as a Christian.
But what if we lost it?
If salvation is our most precious gift, how are we treating it? It's too valuable to be forgotten, stored away somewhere that you can't even locate it. I don't know about you but when this life is over, I want to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord!”
The good news is we can't lose salvation completely. Sure there are times that we overlook the impact that it has on our every day, even our every minute. I don't give enough credit to the Father that sacrificed His one and only Son that I may have this salvation.
Thank you for sending Jesus to offer salvation to me, I so don't deserve it. Thank you for giving us Your Word, that we may study it and be encouraged in our Faith. I praise you today for your many gifts. I ask that you would be continuously reminding my human heart and mind of your greatness. Give me the patience to stop and recognize your presence in my every breath. I love you God and I thank you and praise you for loving me first. Amen