Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What is Thanksgiving? Some Questions......

What is your definition of Thankgiving?

Is it a good excuse to eat a lot of food? Is it a day of rest and relaxation? Is it a holiday to spend with family? Maybe a time for football, shopping, or putting up Christmas decorations?

How does a Christian celebrate Thanksgiving differently from a nonbeliever? Are we thankful to God for just our material possessions? Our house, food on the table, clothes, car? Are we thankful for our families, our circumstances, our churches, our friends? Could we be thankful in any circumstance? How do we put our "thanksgiving" into action? How do we go beyond just being "thankful"?

How do we show God our thanks? How long do we stop and think about our spiritual blessings? God's saving grace? His son's death for our sins? His constant presence? His wonderful creation? His neverending love? How do we thank Him? How could we ever thank Him enough? Is it possible to be truly thankful? What does that look like?

How do I show my thankfulness every single day? Not on just this one day........

I am full of questions but not many answers. What do you think? Hope this post caused you to pause and contemplate the meaning of Thanksgiving in your life.

Enter the Lord's gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. - Psalm 100:4-5

1 comment:

  1. wow, lots to think about here. I've been trying to "be thankful" this month but this is more than that... thanks for this!
