Sunday, June 28, 2009

My New Momma

It is so good to blog again. I was in Alabama for a week with the youth from my church (June 13-20), so I was out of touch with the internet world for a while. I spent the past week catching up on life and I have been waiting to write this post.

Our mission trip took us to Birmingham, Alabama with Mission Serve. Monday started out on the work site at 7:30 in the morning. I had met my squad the previous night (only 2 kids from my church). We were from 3 different states and 5 different churches. Our job for the week was to build a deck, rebuild a railing on some stairs, and help another crew with painting the house. We were pumped and ready to work, but I was nowhere near prepared for what God had in store for the week.

I got a new Momma!!!

I don't want to confuse anyone - my mom is perfectly wonderful and I love her dearly. Just bear with me for the remainder of this post and the title will make perfect sense.

Ok......I got a new Momma!!! Her name is Ms. Betty Taylor and she is 72. She was a total blessing from Jesus to my life and I am super glad I got to meet her and spend time with her. She is the owner of the home that we were working on. Mission Serve encourages us to meet the home-owners and talk with them. Well, in the south, you get invited in and given a tour of the house (at least we did)!

I spent lots of time with Ms. Betty, a.k.a. Momma, while we were working. She was on fire for Jesus and overjoyed by how God was blessing her and getting work done on her house. Each day she would come out and chat with us or invite myself and Courtney (another adult on my squad from Texas) to come in and talk. We all quickly became her "babies".

So, I now have a black Momma in Alabama. The coolest thing about this - God knew this would happen. He paved the way. He didn't just bless Momma, he overwhelmed me with this new relationship. He is so cool that way!

Here is a picture of Courtney, Momma (Ms. Betty), and me:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dina! I am so glad to hear about the trip. It is great to read about the impact you all had on the lives of those there, and how they touched you as well!!
