Thursday, May 6, 2010


Good evening! I'm sitting here, with my windows open, waiting for my hubby to get home and thinking about my day... I'm still stewing on the post I started last week... it's about being busy. But I don't feel ready to share it yet, so instead I want to share with you what I did today-

  • washed one load of diapers (I'm using cloth!)
  • planted 7 pots of impatiens
  • pulled a bazillion weeds
  • walked to church and back
  • took my daughter out to eat at Subway while on our walk
  • did some work for the things I volunteer for at church
  • kept my house somewhat in order
  • kept alive, fed, clean, and hopefully happy, two children
Whew! I feel a bit like superwoman! I'm bragging a little I know, but here's the thing. I often do these things during a day but there is something different. Today, I did them with joy. I did not let Satan get after me about all that I have yet to do or infuse me with an attitude that this is all too much.... AND? It felt wonderful! I didn't crab at my daughter for being ... a toddler. I didn't stress about the floor that still needs vacuumed or the to do list on the counter for tomorrow. I often have days like this but when 8 o'clock rolls around I feel like a big crank. I'm tired and feel overworked.

My attitude plays so much into my day and today I chose joy. I chose to let God be in control and the little things that did go wrong did not dig under my skin like they have in the past. I know I'm not the only one that gets bogged down under her "to-do" list and I'm not the only one who let's little things upset her.

My prayer is that when I wake up tomorrow I will remember this day and remember that I CHOSE joy. And I'm praying that I will ask God to give me the strength to do it again.

Edited to add: It's Friday morning- we all got up late which means not being ready when the little guy I watch got here... it's raining and blah outside and PBS isn't coming in (cartoons for Gracie)- BUT I AM CHOOSING JOY!!!!!!!

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