Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fruit of the Spirit continued

I wanted to post this last night but ran out of time. Still trying to finish up the many little things that need to be done for bible school next week and ended up coming to visit our son for a couple days so I've been busy trying to be a granma, too!! (I'm sure my daughter in law will be glad to see all my 'stuff' go when we leave today! I've been cutting out felt arms and legs, etc all week!!)

So our church has continued to study the Fruit of the Spirit. I think I've missed one week maybe. Lots to think about! Many things we can all do better, right. Some harder than others! Reminds me of the Beth Moore study we did awhile back. Well, as many of you know my daughter, Monica, is back into doing children's ministry and they also have been studying the same 'fruit'. Cool and funnie story.....

I just happened to be talking to a granma that goes to our church and she mentioned that her grandchildren have been going to Monica's church and what they were learning. She said she mentioned to her grandchildren that we also have been learning the fruit of the Spirit and the youngest who is three could recite them in order which amazed the granma!! The granma said she couldn't do that herself and I know that I can't.

I can remember when Monica was teaching at our church and I was helping with a craft during children's church. The children were making a bracelet that had nine colors which was to remind them of the nine fruit of the Spirit. As they were making their bracelets, they were reciting the nine fruit and most of the children knew them all. They even had little motions or signs for each one. I remember being surprised that they all knew them, in order. Which made me think, first of all, I should be able to memorize them so that I could constantly be reminded how to follow Jesus and let the Spirit influence my life and reactions to it. (and not the world so much!) Also, that we as adults let so many things in our minds crowd out the things that God gives us that will help us to live as Jesus showed us.

So let us all be as children and follow Jesus, memorize the nine fruit of the Spirit (every time I spell the word s-p-i-r-i-t, out it makes me think of a cheer!!! from school. We need to act like we have the SPIRIT!!!!!!) and let them guide us.

" the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23

Dear God, Help me today to clear my mind of the busyness of life so that I might be able to better to show your love and serve those around me. Help me to be mindful of the fruit of the Spirit that you have given us in your Word that will direct us as we go. AMEN.

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