Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for:
  • air conditioning. Do I really have to say more? :)
  • my copycat- she's repeating everything we say! Today she grabbed Shane's credit card and brought it to me. We read it together and I told her it said Brandon Hartman- She took it to her daddy and said "Bando Haaamaaannn" :)
  • time away. We are headed for a fun camping trip- the weather is supposed to be cooler and it's close enough for me to stay at my parents each night instead of a tent!
  • Ministry- A few of my ministry obligations are coming to an end and I'm so thankful for having them- I've also been blessed to share each week of senior high camp about missions and I am loving talking about missions and Haiti. About 10 students each time have said they have felt a call to missions- how awesome is that?!
  • kicks- I'm so thankful to be growing a new person inside me. The little kicks I feel each day are a reminder that he is healthy and strong and soon we'll meet him!

What are you thankful for? :)

1 comment:

  1. * the nap I had on the couch while it rained today!
    *the nice warm summer we have had so far
    *my kids' energy and fun they had playing with a bunch of Jason's old toys they found
    *my hard-working husband
