But my grandparents are needing to start the declutter and organize process. I know that this was probably hard for my grandma but it was especially difficult for my Pap. He did a great job watching people carry his belongings out to take with them or to the trash bin. At first I wasn't sure how much work they would be able to get done because I figured he would have to tell a story about everything they uncovered.
The more I went through this experience and have thought of it since that weekend, I realized a direct link that these feelings have towards my relationship with Christ.
There are a lot of attitudes and feelings that I have neatly packaged in boxes and stacked on the shelves of my heart. Waiting until just the moment when I (for whatever ridiculous humanly reason) decide that I want to uncover them, blow the dust off, and experience them all over again. Most of what I have stored is trash that I want to get rid of, but some of them still seem important to me, just like some of those belongings did to my Pap.
The good news,
I have a Savior that wants it all...my trash is His "treasure" because
it releases another piece of my heart and soul
for Him to fill.
But what things were gain to me, I have counted loss for Christ. Phil. 3:7
Thanks for being who you are, for your salvatin, forgiveness and mercy. I love your Word and know that it will restore my heart. May my life bring glory to Your Name. Amen