Friday, January 7, 2011


ok, this will show us who really reads this blog! Did you all read this before and the title said "things to do on vacation by Gracie"? Well the title area has an automatic fill in and while I just meant to type things ( unique I know) it came up that and I never noticed. HA!

Good Morning! I'm supposed to post on Thursday. Why can't I ever seem to get my act together to do just that? Not sure. Anyhow I'm sitting here typing with 4 stuffed animals and a lively two year old in our chair.. Happy Friday. :)

Did you pick a verse to memorize for the first half of January? I really want to encourage you to work on Scripture memorization this year. How can we go wrong hiding His word in our heart? Why would we not want to do that?

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self control" 2 Timothy 1:7 NIV

I picked that verse to start the year because self control seems to speak to me right now. I need self control to continue this memorization path, to eat healthy and to continue to track our spending. All three of the things I want to work on. I wrote this verse on a thankful sign we have in our kitchen and I like looking at it every day (as I go for the leftover Christmas candy!)

Again, if you haven't shared but are going to memorize scripture please leave us a comment and let us know. We'd love to take this journey with you!

Big stuff happening this weekend... UPWARD BASKETBALL AND CHEERLEADING! We kick off our season tomorrow at 9 am at NWUMC. We would LOVE for you to come and support our athletes. If you attend our church, this is the chance for us to show our love to our neighbors, many who may not have a church home and may be in need of a church family. If you don't attend our church but are involved in Upward, please come and enjoy!

ok, I'm off. For some reason my 4 month old didn't get the memo that he should start sleeping through the night and is regressing (8 times of crying last night!) I also have a 2 1/2 year old who needs some attention. Apparently her "puppies" need breakfast. Happy Friday everyone!


  1. I love the reality of your post, Shan! I can relate, even though instead of sleepless nights I have from the kids the thousands of excuses of why they cannot possibly go to bed right now!:)

    My verse for the first two weeks:

    "For let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18

    I am trying to really live what I believe,
    not in just my words, but in what I do, even the little things.

  2. I can relate to "sleepless" also. I'm not sure why, as you age, you don't sleep as well. I go to bed around midnight and 4 seems to be my wake-up time! Hopefully Graham will get out of this stage quickly!

    I posted my verse earlier but I have two this time because I need this one so much and I can't believe how many times a day I need to say it: "Whatever happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel." Phil. 1:27 NLT
